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L I L Structural Design -

» Starting from the idea that...

” The best and the safest way to keep are to rely on your own strengths and to strive for your own perfection.”

(MICHELANGELO Buonarroti; 1475-1564; Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet)

... the 25th June 2003, S. C. "L I L Structural Design" S. R. L. came into being, like commercial society having an entirely private capital and a unique associate, in the person of PhD civil engineer Hortensiu-Liviu CUCU.

» Being absolutely convinced that ...

”The one who has never seen in the whiteness of the paper a possible image that is not there and who has never felt the regret after all the signs that would never be chosen; the one who has never seen in the clear air a building that didn’t exist yet and who has never been troubled by the dizziness one feels when estranging from one’s goal or the restlessness concerning the means of achievement, sensing the delays and despairs, making the progressive steps calculus, projecting one’s reasoning in the future and drawing even what from the reason’s point of view shouldn’t be drawn- that is the man who doesn’t know the richness, the possibility or the spiritual art that illuminates the consciously act of building.”,

Paul VALÉRY (1871-1945; French poet, mathematician and essay-writer)

...the main object of activity that has been chosen is: «Architecture, engineering activities and technical consulting in the field» (K section, class 7420 in CAEN Catalogue)

» Even right from the beginning, the firm promoted zealously the following ideas:

  • Passion and experience

  • „More you will know, more you will love.”

    (Leonardo da Vinci; 1452-1519; Italian painter, sculptor, architect, man of science and thinker)

  • Morality and honesty
    „To make wise people believe that we are what in fact we are not, is -in majority of the cases- all the more difficult than to try to become ourselves what we struggle to seem.”

    (Georg Christoph LICHTENBERG; 1742-1799; German Mathematics Professor, art critic and writer)

  • Availability and promptitude

  • „The man has to work as well as he will never die and also as he will die tomorrow. He has to project and realize works that do not fit in one’s lifetime, and fulfill them as quickly and as ceaselessly as he will die tomorrow. He has to rush to finish them and, as well, lack the fear of giving them titanic dimensions”.

    (Konstantinos TSATSOS; 1899-1987; Greek philosopher, jurist, politician, the president of the Greek Republic between 1975 and 1980)

  • Ambition and consistency

  • „A man who has even the slightest self-esteem always carries to the end what he meant to do, no matter how high the costs.”

    (Henrik PONTOPPIDAN; 1857-1943; Danish prose writer, won a Nobel Prize in 1917)

  • Modesty and prestige
    „If you prove one thing through your deeds, any word is meaningless.”

    (ESOP; Greek fable write, the end of 7th century – the beginning of 6th century, B.C.; Greek fabulist)

» Services offered:

  • structural designing for civil, industrial, agricultural and special buildings
  • structural main conception, modeling, analysis and optimization for all types of civil, industrial, agricultural and special buildings
  • technical assistance for structural main conception, designing, projects implementation, complete realization, modification of the initial destination, for all types of civil, industrial, agricultural and special buildings

 » Appreciations

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