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L I L Structural Design - Proiectare

Design - Construction design – Assisted design for constructions

Until now, as design office, the company S.C. "L I L Structural Design" S.R.L. has directly insured – structural design*) for the following construction types:

  • Industrial constructions:
    • halls (industrial halls):
      • metallic halls or concrete steel halls;
      • production halls or storage halls;
    • logistic centers;logistic parks;
    • company registered offices:
      • company registered offices with productive spaces;
      • company registered offices with one level or mutifloor structures;
    • showrooms;
    • other types of industrial buildings and industrial construction structures. 

  • Civil constructions:
    • large shopping centers (as "hypermarkets" or "supermarkets");
    • buildings of large commercial spaces (as "mall");
    • retail centers and retail parks;
    • residential parks;
    • office buildings:
      • office buildings with or without showrooms;
      • office buildings with a single floor or as multifloor structures;
    • polyvalent rooms;
    • cinemas;
    • showrooms;
    • blocks of flats;
    • schools;
    • sports rooms;
    • fhouses:
      • individual dwellings;
      • duplex or triplex dwellings;
      • in-line house dwellings;
    • villas;
    • pensions;
    • holiday houses;
    • other types of civil buildings and civil construction structures.

  • Adricultural and farming constructions:
    • live-stock halls;
    • farming production halls;
    • farming storage houses;
    • other types of farming buildings and farming construction structures.

  • Special constructions:
    • foot bridges:
      • Metallic foot bridges;
      • Concrete steel foot bridges;
    • advertising structures:
      • Advertising panels;
      • Advertising unipols;
      • Advertising totems;
    • bunkers;
    • silos;
    • tanks;
    • piles with different destinations;
    • towers with different destinations;
    • other types of special buildings and special structures.

In addition, the company S.C. "L I L Structural Design" S.R.L. may insure, on the beneficiaries’ request – indirectly, by the collaborators of an irreproachable quality – the performance of construction design works and on other specializations (topography, geotechnics, architecture, installations, roads, bridges, inside design, etc.), with or without the obtaining of the “Quality verification resumes of the projects” (on different requirements) from the MLPAT certified technical verifiers.


Within the design portfolio of the company S.C. "L I L Structural Design" S.R.L. there is already a great number of projects (PAC projects, PT projects and DDE projects) of some different types of construction objectives. Every month the list from this portfolio is increasing, as there can be noticed on the page “News”.

* Remarks regarding the DESIGN activity *

1. The company S.C. “L I L Structural Design” S.R.L. first means design and, implicitly, everything related to this:

design, assisted design, general design, complete design, construction design, design in constructions, construction design, design for constructions, industrial construction design, civil construction design, farming construction design, special construction design, hall design, industrial hall design, metallic hall design, concrete steel hall design, structure design, structural design, industrial design, civil design, farming design, special design, resistance design, resistance design, resistance structure design, house design, blocks of flats design, shop design, hypermarket design, supermarket design, design of the commercial spaces, civil building design, office building design, company registered office design, commercial representative office design, logistic center design, logistic park design, logistic hall design, house design, hotel design, motel design, pension design, school design, sports rooms design, car showroom design, construction structure design, fast design, good design, quality design, economic design, efficient design, performing design, rational design, etc.

… or, eventually, design and everything related to this:

Design, assisted design, general design, complete design, construction design, design in constructions, construction design, design for constructions, industrial construction design, civil construction design, farming construction design, special construction design, hall design, industrial hall design, metallic hall design, concrete steel design, structure design, structural design, resistance design, resistance structure design, house design, blocks of flats design, shop design, supermarket design, commercial space design, civil building design, office building design, company registered office design, house design, hotel design, motel design, pension design, school design, sport room design, showroom design, construction structure design, fast design, good design, quality design, economic design, efficient design, performing design, rational design, etc.

2. The activity of the design office S.C. “L I L Structural Design” S.R.L. is concretized in different types of projects:

construction projects, projects of constructions, projects in constructions, projects for constructions, projects of industrial constructions (industrial hall projects, metallic hall projects, concrete hall projects, industrial hall projects, storage room projects), civil construction projects (projects of blocks of flats, house projects, villa projects, pension projects, duplex projects, school projects, commercial space projects, shop projects, supermarket projects, hypermarket projects, car showroom projects, commercial representative office projects, logistic center projects, retail center projects, retail park projects, office building projects), farming construction projects (live-stock hall projects, farming hall projects, farming storage room projects), special construction projects (foot bridge projects, silo projects, bunker projects, tank projects, advertising structure projects [panels, unipolars, totems], pile projects, tower projects), typed projects, non-typed projects, standardized projects, unique projects, complete projects, contracted projects, signed projects, stamped projects, performed projects, performed projects, delivered projects, current projects, on-going projects, in-performance projects, on-performance projects, waiting projects, future projects, viable projects, accepted projects, appropriated projects, viable projects, performing projects, verified projects, approved projects, valid projects, rapid projects, good projects, quality projects, super projects, economic projects, efficient projects, performing projects, rational projects, original projects, personalized projects, detailed projects, PAC-stage projects, PAC projects, projects for the construction authorization, projects for the authorization for construction, PT-stage projects, PT projects, technical projects, DDE-stage projects, DE-stage projects, DDE projects, DE projects, performing detail projects, resistance projects, resistance projects, structure projects, resistance structure projects, etc.

… or, eventually, in any type of project:

construction project, project of constructions, project in constructions, project for constructions, project of industrial constructions (industrial hall project, metallic hall project, concrete hall project, industrial hall project, storage room project), civil construction project (project of blocks of flats, house project, duplex project, school project, commercial space project, shop project, supermarket project, car showroom project, office project), farming construction project (live-stock hall project, farming hall project), special construction project (foot bridge project, silo project, bunker project, tank project, advertising structure project [panel, unipolar, totem], pile project, tower project), typed project, non-typed project, type project, standardized project, unique project, complete project, contracted project, signed project, stamped project, performed project, performed project, delivered project, current project, on-going project, in-performance project, on-performance project, waiting project, future project, viable project, accepted project, appropriated project, viable project, performing project, verified project, approved project, valid project, rapid project, good project, quality project, super project, economic project, efficient project, performing project, rational project, original project, personalized project, detailed project, PAC-stage project, PAC project, project for the construction authorization, project for the authorization for construction, PT-stage project, PT project, technical project, DDE-stage project, DE-stage project, DDE project, DE project, performing detail project, resistance project, resistance project, structure project, resistance structure project, etc.

3. Within the design office of the company S.C. “L I L Structural Design” S.R.L. you may find exactly the designers you want:

designers, design engineers, construction designers, designers of constructions, designers for constructions, designers in constructions, structure designers, designers of structures, designers of resistance structures, structural designers, building designers, designers of buildings, industrial construction designers, civil construction designers, farming construction designers, special construction designers, industrial building designers, civil building designers, farming building designers, special building designers, hall designers, industrial hall designers, metallic hall designers, blocks of flats designers, house designers, dwelling designers, commercial space designers, company registered office designers, good designers, experienced designers, designers with experience, famous designers, mature designers, confirmed designers, perspective designers, young designers, perspective designers, available designers, approachable designers, character designers, special designers, agreed designers, etc.

… or maybe, exactly that designer you want:

designer, design engineer, construction designer, designer of constructions, designer for constructions, designer in constructions, structure designer, designer of structures, designer of resistance structures, structural designer, building designer, designer of buildings, industrial construction designer, civil construction designer, farming construction designer, special construction designer, industrial building designer, civil building designer, farming building designer, special building designer, hall designer, industrial hall designer, metallic hall designer, blocks of flats designer, house designer, dwelling designer, commercial space designer, company registered office designer, good designer, experienced designer, designer with experience, famous designer, mature designer, confirmed designer, perspective designer, young designer, perspective designer, available designer, approachable designer, character designer, special designer, agreed designer, etc.

4. The design office of the company S.C. “L I L Structural Design” S.R.L. is having available a great number of licences of some CAD – Computer Aided Design computer programs (in Romanian PAC – Computer Assisted Design) or FEA (Finite Element Analysis), among which:

  • CAD software products (and / or utilities):
    • "AutoCAD 2004 LT" - 1 licence;
    • "AutoCAD 2009 LT" - 1 licence;
    • "AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 2009" (including nearby "AutoCAD 2009 FULL" and "Revit 2009"-  and "RCAD Steel", "RCAD Concrete" and "RCAD Formwork") - 2 licences;
    • "AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite 2009" - 1 licence;
    • "CADian 2008 Professional" - 8 licences;
    • "MathCAD 13.0" - 1 licence;
    • "MathCAD 14.0" - 1 licence

  • Utility software products:
    • "Symantec Norton Ghost 12.0" - 1 licence;
  • FEA software products:
    • "ROBOT Millennium v.21.0" (full) - 3 licences;
    • "ANSYS / CivilFEM 9.0" - 1 licence.

* * *

Taking into account the above mentioned, the company S.C. “L I L Structural Design” S.R.L. advise you that, when you are looking for something on the “Internet”:

“design companies”, “design companies”, “construction design companies”, “companies of construction design”, “companies of design in constructions”, “companies of design for constructions”, “structural design companies”, “resistance design companies”, “civil construction design companies”, “industrial construction design companies”, “hall design companies”, “industrial hall design company”, “metallic hall design companies”, “companies specialized in design”, “companies of design services”, “well-known design companies”, “famous design companies”, “famous companies in design”, “companies with tradition in design” or “design offices”, “design offices”, “construction design offices”, “offices of construction design”, “design offices in constructions”, “design offices for constructions”, “structural design offices”, “resistance design offices”, “civil construction design offices”, “industrial construction design offices”, “hall design offices”, “industrial hall design offices”, “metallic hall design offices”, “offices specialized in design”, “design service offices”, “well-known design offices”, “famous design offices”, “famous offices in design”, “offices with tradition in design” or “design company”, “design company”, “construction design company”, “company of construction design”, “design company in constructions”, “design company for constructions”, “structural design company”, “resistance design company”, “civil construction design company”, “industrial construction design company”, “hall design company”, “industrial hall design company”, “metallic hall design company”, “company specialized in design”, “design service company”, “design well-known company”, “famous design company”, “famous company in design”, “company with tradition in design” or “design office”, “office design”, “construction design office”, “office of construction design”, “design office in constructions”, “construction design office”, “structural design office”, “resistance design office”, “civil construction design office”, “industrial construction design company”, “hall design office”, “industrial hall design office”, “metallic hall design office”, “office specialized in design”, “design service office”, “well-known design office”, “famous design office”, “famous office in design”, “office with tradition in design”,

for solving your design issue, so that you should not loose from sight the fact that we are here and that …

“We give birth to your dreams to build, fast and safely!”

Keywords (English): design, constructions, buildings, construction design, building design, design for constructions, design in constructions, construction design, building design, construction design, building design, halls, hall design, industrial halls, industrial hall design, metallic halls, metallic hall design, concrete halls, concrete hall design, Cluj-Napoca design, Romania design, Cluj-Napoca design office, Cluj-Napoca construction design, Romania construction design.

Keyword (Romanian): proiectare, constructii, cladiri, proiectare constructii, proiectare cladiri, proiectare pentru constructii, proiectare in constructii, proiectare de constructii, proiectare de cladiri, proiectarea constructiilor, proiectarea cladirilor, hale, proiectare hale, hale industriale, proiectare hale industriale, hale metalice, proiectare hale metalice, hale de beton, proiectare hale de beton, birou proiectare constructii, birou de proiectare constructii, firma proiectare constructii, firma de proiectare constructii, proiectant constructii, proiectanti constructii, proiectare Cluj-Napoca, proiectare Romania, birou proiectare Cluj, birou de proiectare Cluj-Napoca, proiectare constructii Cluj-Napoca, proiectare constructii Romania.

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