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L I L Structural Design - Servicii de proiectare constructii industriale, proiectare hale

Currently,  “L I L Structural Design” S.R.L. is offering the following  categories of services in the construction field:

1. Civil engineering design; design for any type of civil, industrial, farming and special constructions

The services from this category belong to any design stage of a construction and address especially to the investors and to the entrepreneurs.

S.C. "L I L Structural Design" S.R.L. is insuring – directly – the structural design of following types of constructions: industrial constructions (halls; industrial halls – metallic halls, concrete halls and mixed halls; manufacturing halls or storage halls; logistic halls; logistic centers; logistic parks; company premises with manufacturing spaces; etc.), civil constructions (shops; supermarkets, hypermarkets; shopping centers; retail centers; commercial parks; retail parks; schools; sports rooms or halls;  office buildings; dwelling buildings; villas; holiday houses; individual or collective family dwellings; duplex), farming constructions (live-stock halls; farming production halls; farming product storage halls) and special constructions (foot bridges; totem, unipol or panel advertising structures; tanks; bunkers; different metallic structures; etc.).

Also, the company S.C. "L I L Structural Design" S.R.L. may insure – indirectly, by real high class collaborators – the performance of the design works on other construction fields (topography, geotechnics, installations, roads, bridges, interior design, etc.), with or without the obtaining of the official verification of the projects, from the MLPAT certified verifiers.


2. Structural conception, modeling, analysis and optimization

The services belonging to this category, addressing to the investors, entrepreneurs and -also- to the designers, are afferent to any stage of the structural design of any type of civil, industrial, farming and special construction. 

• Structural conception

The structural conception represents that design stage supposing the submission of all the client’s needs and wills into a performing virtual structure, which shall respect simultaneously the prescriptions of the designing norms and standards and also the principles of the economical, performing design.

• Structural modeling

The structural modeling represents that stage of the design supposing the submission of the performed virtual model  (obtained after the structural conception stage) into a simplified calculation model, which must approximate it as exactly as possible and -also- in the structural analysis stage lead to an easy design of each structural element.

• Structural analysis

The structural analysis represents that stage of the design supposing the performance of some engineering calculations upon the calculation model. The calculations shall lead to the detailed knowledge of the requesting condition in each element of the  structure and which shall permit the detailed and easy sizing of the structure which shall be effectively performed. This stage of the design is performed – almost exclusively – by the aid of some structural analysis programs (FEA, or Finite Element Analysis softwares), based on Method of the Finite Elements. 

• Structural optimization

The structural optimization represents that stage of the design supposing the cyclic analysis of the structure following the optimization of certain parameters and the approach to some performance standards of the design, framed – generally – in the minimization of the consumption and / or of the costs. It is – of course – the most important stage for a successful design of a construction with a given architecture (whether civil, industrial, farming or special). And this stage is based on the use of some performing structural analysis and optimization programs.

3. Technical specialized counseling regarding the conception, design, performance, exploitation or change of civil, industrial, farming and special constructions 

The services belonging to this category address both to the investors and to the entrepreneurs and to the designed wanting to obtain special results in the conception, design, performance, exploitation or change stages of a civil, industrial, farming or special construction and are registered within the field of the insurance of the specialized assistance on the different mentioned stages. 


4. General contracting for the construction works; general enterprise; project management; construction management

As a result of the partnerships concluded during 2007, "L I L Structural Design" S.R.L. is (also) offering general contracting services, project management, construction management and / or performance services, for main structures, secondary structures and finishing works, to the following construction types: industrial constructions (halls – concrete, steel and mixed structures, for manufacturing or for storage; logistic centers; warehouses; sheds; logistic parks; company premises with manufacturing spaces, etc.), civil constructions (schools, sports rooms, shops, supermarkets, hypermarkets, large shopping centers, retail centers, retail parks, office buildings, dwelling buildings, villas; holiday houses; family dwellings; board and lodging places; hotels; motels; exhibition pavilions, showrooms; multipurpose rooms; cinemas), farming constructions (live-stock halls; farming production halls; farming product storage halls) and special constructions (foot bridges; totem, unipolar or panel advertising structures; tanks; bunkers; pillars; antennae; etc.).

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